D something....

Last year at this time I had just returned to Singapore after an 8-month hiatus in the States, mostly California. After visiting churches that support our mission we moved to Berkeley so I could begin a DMin program. It was an exhilarating experience at the Graduate Theological Union. Great conversations, a marvelous time of updating my knowledge, researching and writing. I loved it. After completely 13 1/2 semester units (out of 18 course work needed before beginning my project) I returned. I thought tentatively to return in a year to finish things off during the January session. But that didn't happen.

Reflecting on the value of my time at Berkeley, I see several options: 1) scrap my Singapore plans, go back and finish; 2) enroll with the seminary here (DTh, which is a lot different); 3) Re-enroll in a PhD program; 4) never mind the doctorate idea - be thankful for the exposure and go sip wine under an oak tree.

Certainly, there are worse problems in the world.



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