Having moved to the Berkeley over the weekend we took the BART to SF on Sunday morning and did the Glide experience. Ok, our son was doing a mission trip with El Segundo UMYF serving meals to the homeless, so we wanted to check it out. I had known about Glide UMC since I was a youth, hearing both rave reviews and grave ones, depending on the reviewer. But here we are in the Bay area, so we stopped in. It's a popular place. Before 10:30 there was line half-way around the city block. On en tering, we walked up a flight of stairs to the sanctuary, where the rosette and south-facing columnar stained glass windows poured soft rosing light on the antique pews. It was warm, and some folks were handing out fans, which could be kept for a small donation. A jazz band was warming up on stage left. Men and women were casually greeting each other. Eventually the band began playing a mix of cool jazz and gospel, and the Glide Ensemble trouped onto the spare platform. The service proceeded with ...